With regards to the high demand of more organic looks and vintage glass, Canon has released in 2019 the Sumire Cine line – a fast, and precise lens with character and signature. According to the use of the Iris blade the user gets a great deal of look or a more neutral image. Inspired by the K35, but with modern, uniform housing and a wider choice of focal lengths.The Sumire lenses are a first-class tool for image creators looking for organic looks, soft structures and expressive Bokhé. Harmonious, warm colors, low breathing and a large image circle open up the field for many applications.
PL mount
Full-frame compatible (image circle approx. 44mm)
Almost uniform size
low and almost uniform weight (approx. 1.2 kg)
uniform front diameter of 114mm
beautiful bokeh thanks to 11x aperture blades and large, aspherical lens elements with anomalous dispersion